Roman cooking
This workshop consists of an introduction to ancient Roman cooking and proposes ancient dishes after recipes by Apicius, a famous gourmet during Emperor Tiberius (1st century A.D.). The workshop gives the opportunity to discover different products used at the time by preparing a chosen recipe.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 14
From 8 years old.
Roman painting
During the Gallo-Roman era, murals paintings were used to decorate private and public Roman interiors. Through an introduction to these techniques and to the main styles of mural painting, this workshop allows participants to discover the tempera technique.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 8 years old.

Legion soldiers
In the 28th century of the Roman era, the twentieth legion “ Valeria Victrix ” sets up its training camp in Aubechies ! The Optio (vice-centurion) and his instructors will train your pupils before a mission to Germania or Brittany, to gain experience. Proposed program: walking in step, standing in line, spear throwing (pilum), tactical formations (shield roof, lined up or triangular attack, charge, line rotation and contra equites). Let us not forget the leisure activities of the legion soldiers: dice, latroncules. Si vis pacem para bellum !
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 24
From 8 years old (Monday and Thursday only).
Olympic Games
After a presentation of the history of the Olympic Games by those in ancient Greece, students are introduced to the different disciplines practiced in the workshop: wrestling and fist camp, the discus and javelin throw, running and long jump. After the warm-up, they are divided into teams to begin the training. At the end of it, the teams designate their representative for each discipline. The workshop ends with a camp between the different teams. The participants, who are each fighters and referees in turn, awaken their team and competition spirit.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 8 years and up (Monday and Thursday only).

The students are immersed in the daily life of gladiators, real “ stars ” during Roman antiquity. They learn the use of the different weapons and disciplines specific to gladiators with 4 different outfits. After taking the oath, the participants are divided into three schools of gladiators to prepare them for the competition that concludes the workshop.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 8 years old (only on Mondays and Thursdays).
This workshop is a way to learn the profession of mosaicist during Gallo-Roman times and to discover a kind of ancient decoration. The first part of the workshop deals with the different professions involved in the realization of a mosaic, materials, different supports, tools used and motifs displayed on mosaic. In a second step, they realize in small groups a demonstrative mosaic with real tesserae.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 8 years old.

Oil Lamp
Get familiar with that lighting method and make your own gallo-roman lamp replica.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 8 years old.
As their territory expanded, the Romans felt the need to organize the land. Both to avoid conflicts over property and to simplify travel or even provide water to cities, they needed a thorough knowledge of mathematics, but also efficient tools to put it into practice. This task was assigned to a specific profession: the Landsmeters. For this workshop, we propose the students to discover this profession and practice their tools.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 13 years old.

! NEW ! Roman medicine
Did you know that the Romans were excellent doctors? Several beofeners, such as Galien, Dioscorides and Celsus left us a precise legacy. They informed us about the major diseases, the theories and the main methods of treatment ! During this workshop, we propose to your students to become medical learning boys and girls ! Thanks to recreated instruments and a dummy, your students will discover how the Romans treated their enjured people. They will walk in the herb garden, looking for the best medicines of all time. They will also realize their own herbal tea, inspired by the ancient recipes ! Roman medicine will have no secret for them after that.
Number of participants: min. 12 – max. 16
From 13 years old.