The Archeosite® of Aubechies-Beloeil lies at the heart of one of the most beautiful villages in Wallonia. He is made up of the most famous collection of archaeological reconstructions in Belgium. He proposes his visitors a tour that begins around 5000 BCE in the early Neolithic and finishes in the 3d century CE at the end of the Roman times.
The visitors are welcomed in the settlement of the first farmers of the stone ages, the houses of the craftsmen of the metal Ages, as well in a luxurious roman villa. They will also visit an antique Necropolis and all of the above in a green environment. At the end of his tour, the visitor will also see a reconstructed Gallo-roman ship ancestor of the modern barges. All the reconstructions are enhanced with a lot of furniture’s and decorations copied on originals founded during excavations.

The Archeosite® of Aubechies-Beloeil hosts a museum which explains the beliefs and cults of the ancients (Antiquity and metal Ages): The “Léonce Demarez” space of “Centre d’Interprétation des Cultes et Croyances Antiques” (translation: explanation centre for cults and beliefs in the Antiquity). It’s made with the idea of moving the results of the science closer to the reconstructions. He shows thus a large number of artifacts and items linked to the beliefs, founded during the excavations in the area. He covers a period beginning in the Iron Age (5th century BCE) to let the visitor understanding the polytheist cults of the North Gaul up to the time of Christianization.